All these centuries it was you I craved
Hiking mountains of longing while your name I praised
All these fallen ruins are bits of you I’ve saved
Every foot in darkness steps for you I braved

Pulling part the ocean that’s the depths I paved
Fusion in my core for the light that’s phased
Trust in only love cuz that’s my heart you grazed
Want to spend eternity with our souls engraved

© Delia Ross. 2020

Probably the sweetest love poem I’ve ever written. I literally enchanted myself. A first. But it is now after 2 AM and maybe I’m just tired… But my blog is nearing 50K views (that’s 50,000 visits folks) and I want to pee myself!! 😍

But I wrote a poem instead. And I hesitated to write a second stanza, but once I got going I’m glad I did… I’m sick to fuck of love to be honest. Someone said I was too young to be a cougar, that I was a cub instead. Well, whatever. Now that I’m ready to date and mingle there’s a bloody zombie apocalypse going on. I ain’t trying to die from the plague. Apophis (that huge effing asteroid) is returning to kiss Earth in April 2029, which sounds like a more exciting world ending, and I hope to get laid by then too… 😏


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